Quality Analysis Details and Term Highlighting in QVscribe for Excel

Every requirement in the scorecard that has a score of less than 5 bars can be expanded to reveal details on what Problem Types issues led to the given score.

When you click and expand a requirement in the analysis window, this also takes you to the requirement within the main document itself and highlights you the source of the problem, helping you assess how to increase the clarity and quality of the requirement.

When a specific problem found is selected on the scorecard, the problematic terminology that leads to the given score is highlighted within the requirement itself, helping you understand where exactly the requirement is not meeting best practices.



In the image above, an example is shown of a requirement with its problematic terminology highlighted by QVscribe: The imperative “shall” appears twice within the same requirement, as well as the vague phrase “be able to”, and the universal quantifier “No”. Terminology highlighting is done for all of the Problem Types, the universal quantifiers, the -domain-specific terminology, and the measurement units.

Note: If some analysis results are inconsistent with your company standards, ensure that the QVscribe Configuration being used is appropriate for the document, or talk to your QVscribe administrator about creating a QVscribe configuration that more directly adheres to your specific standards.