QVscribe for Word Installation

You will receive a license key and QVscribe download information from QRA upon completion of payment. If you did not receive your license key or QVscribe download, please contact support@qracorp.com.

The installation file contains the entirety of the QVscribe for Word Add in.

Install QVscribe for Word by following these steps:

  1. Close Microsoft Word before installing QVscribe for Word
  2. Double-click on the downloaded QVscribeForWord_[version].msi. This will launch a dependency checker to ensure your system has everything it needs to run this version of QVscribe for Word and install any pre-requisite packages. Follow the on-screen instructions.
    Screenshot 2024-02-12 181922

  3. Once the QVscribe installation wizard finishes, open Word and you will see the QVscribe Add-In ribbon:

Screenshot 2024-02-12 181724